The History And Evolution Of Umrah

Islam Talk
3 min readFeb 2, 2023


Photo by Adli Wahid on Unsplash

Umrah’s First Pilgrimage

The following year, in 629 CE, Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) and his 2000 followers performed the first Umrah pilgrimage while adhering to the terms of the Hudaybiyyah treaty. The first Umrah was three days long. The peace treaty, however, was broken within two years when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his followers were threatened by Makkan allies, resulting in the deaths of some Muslims. Because the treaty’s purpose was to prevent chaos and violence, Muhammad denounced it after the killings. Muslims had risen into a potent force by that point. Prophet Muhammad commanded and led the conquest of Makkah in 630 CE. He led an army of over 10,000 Muslims to Makkah, where the leaders of the Makkah residents surrendered. Following the transfer of power, Muhammad forgave the Makkans who had persecuted and fought the early Muslims. Umrah package 2023 is in high demand nowadays as many people are planning to perform Umrah.

Umrah’s In-Depth Islamic History

According to Islamic teachings, the history of Umrah begins in 622 CE when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) asked the Muslims of Makkah to relocate to Madinah in order to be protected from Quraysh persecution.

While the sacred city of Madinah provided Muslims with much-needed peace and freedom, they harbored a strong desire to return to their homeland and perform Umrah. In 6 AH (628 CE), Allah SWT’s Messenger (PBUH) had a dream in which he was performing Umrah.

When Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) told his companions about the dream, they took it as a sign from Allah SWT and advised Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to perform Umrah.

As a result, the Prophet (PBUH) of Allah SWT walked toward Makkah with 1400 companions. When the idolaters heard about the massive caravan, they assumed that the Muslims had come to attack them.

Given this, as soon as Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) arrived on the outskirts of Makkah, he dispatched an envoy to the leaders of the Quraysh to inform them that they had only come to perform Umrah in peace and harmony.

However, the cowardice Quraysh refused to let them in, leaving the Muslims with no option but to wait at Hudaibiyyah because Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did not want to force his way into the Holy Kaaba.

Following this, diplomatic negotiations took place between both the leaders of the Quraysh and Prophet Muhammad (SAW), resulting in both parties being willing to sign the Treaty of Hudaibiyyah, a 10-year peace treaty.

Muslims were permitted the right to return to Makkah the following year to perform Umrah, according to the terms of the agreement. As a result, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his companions returned home without performing the Lesser Pilgrimage.

In accordance with the terms of the treaty, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) entered Makkah in 229 CE with 2000 companions, including women and children, to perform the first Umrah in Islamic history.

The first was the ‘Umrah of al-Hudaybiyah, which was the first in 6 AH, but the Pagans prevented him from attaining the House (the Kaaba), so he offered the sacrifice (of camels) when his way was obstructed at al-Hudaybiyah, and he and his Companions shaved their heads and exited the state of ihram, and returned to Madinah the same year.

The second was the Fulfilled ‘Umrah the following year when he entered Makkah and stayed for three days before departing after completing his ‘Umrah.

The third was the ‘Umrah,’ which he performed alongside his Hajj. The fourth was his ‘Umrah from al-Ja’rranah, which he performed after going to Hunayn and then returning to Makkah. He stated, “There is no (scholarly) dispute that he did no more than four ‘Umrahs.” (Pages 90–93 of Zad al-Ma’ad, vol. 2)

How Long Does Umrah Last?

A pilgrim must spend three to six hours performing Umrah, depending on the day and the number of pilgrims present on the grounds of Masjid al-Haram in Makkah.

Is Umrah obligatory for Muslims?

Umrah, also known as the “Minor Pilgrimage,” is optional for Muslims. Performing Umrah, on the other hand, is a Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). As a result, if you are physically and financially capable, it is strongly advised that you perform Umrah at least once in your lifetime.



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